
National Medicines Exhibition


The 76th session of the medicine trade fair held in Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center, Hainan Pharmaceutical Industry Association, Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce jointly organized more than 30 pharmaceutical companies in our province exhibitors, Mission nearly 500 square meters, a total exhibition of nearly a thousand varieties of medicine. Hainan Pavilion to the sea as the main colors of the exhibition, the Senate design highlights the Hainan "ecological environment is good, beautiful natural scenery," the tropical island style, "industry self-tree brand, Hainan treasure island good medicine" logo throughout Hainan exhibition, in this exhibition constitutes a beautiful landscape. "The exhibitors of the pharmaceutical companies are very characteristic, such as the Emperor Long Pharmaceutical to the treatment of cardiovascular disease drugs, Hainan Puli Pharmaceutical launched children's precision drugs, and 22 varieties of exports to European countries; The introduction of independent research and development of Li varieties. "Hainan Pharmaceutical Industry Association Secretary-General Li Junling introduction, in order to play in the current drug exchange" Hainan manufacturing "brand, to the national drug manufacturers to promote Hainan characteristics of drugs, Hainan Pavilion in the exhibition area. The addition of electronic large screen, rolling publicity corporate video, and opened a unified association of "business negotiations area" for the guests to come to the business negotiations.

Hualon Pharmaceutical Exhibition I


Hualon Pharmaceutical Exhibition II


Hainan Pharmaceutical Industry Association, Chen Yizhi had introduced the pharmaceutical industry is one of the key pillar industries in Hainan Province, is the "Hainan manufacturing" key areas, the provincial government strives to 2020, the province's pharmaceutical industry output value reached RMB 50 billion, after 2025 Strive to reach the scale of RMB 100 billion, the new chemical agents, fine innovation and the scale of raw materials reached the national level. "To achieve this goal, Hainan pharmaceutical industry must go out, and even take the road of international development, the National Pharmaceutical Fair is the Hainan pharmaceutical industry to an important channel outside the island. Therefore, since 2014, Hainan every year To participate in medicine and trade, for our province to build a pharmaceutical company with the national counterparts to communicate, exchange, learning platform, and seek cooperation and development opportunities platform.

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